Friday, January 27, 2012

What have I been up to?

Not updating my blog, for one. I have so much reading to do now! Which is actually super great, but takes a ton of time. I calculated it for David Copperfield- I could read about a page a minute, so it took kind of forever to get through the whole book. (900 pages. Seriously).

Now, we're reading the Moonstone, which is like the first-ever detective novel, and really good!

For big news in sports:
WE WON OUR HOCKEY GAME! My team's never won before! I'm so proud of us :D

Also, won a game in Ultimate! And we had to play outdoors, in the rain, for two hours. It was so, so cold.

Not much else going on.. just tons of reading, it's really cold outside, 3 game days a week... it's all really fun :D

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